トップ > 交通部  > 運転免許課  > 運転免許試験  > 英語による学科試験 


 Regarding the English written examination
 You can take English written examination.

 Those who wish to take the examination must notify us at the reception desk.

 ※ 原則として通訳を同行させてください。ただし、日本語を理解できるかたは、通訳は不要です。

 In Principle, you need to bring an interpreter (someone who can understand Japanese) with you.

1.試験問題の種類 Type of eXaminations

 Test for first-class license(Ordinary motor vehicle,Semimedium-sized motor vehicle,Large-sized two-wheeled vehicle,Ordinary two-wheeled vehicle, Large-sized special motor vehicle, )

 Test for Learner's permit(Ordinary motor vehicle,Semimedium-sized motor vehicle)

2.試験実施場所 Venue

 ・ 青森運転免許試験場 Aomori Driver's License Center
 ・ 八戸運転免許試験場 Hachinohe Driver's License Hall
 ・ 弘前運転免許試験場 Hirosaki Driver's License Hall
 ・ むつ運転免許試験場 Mutsu Driver's License Hall

3.問い合わせ先 For inquiries and details, contact

青森県警察本部 交通部 運転免許課 試験教習所係
 Testing Section, Driver's License Division, Department of Traffic Headquarters of Aomori Perfectural Police

 ※ 日本語を理解できないかたは、通訳を通してください。
 If you can't understand japanese, you may ask an interpreter to explain to you.